On this solemn day, we remember the lives lost, the heroes who rose, and the unity that followed. Let’s honor the memory of those affected by 9/11 by spreading kindness and love. Together, we stand strong.
Remember ISIS?
“Remember when they said that ISIS was an idea, they were the JV, even though they were beheading Americans and slaughtered thousands?…Trump came along and he beheads the beheaders. We have TRUMP and the MILITARY to thank for not having to think about ISIS anymore, which then allows us the freedom to think about jailing. Success brings the downfall of this Country, never forget that!” Greg Gutfeld
A Call for Vigilance
In this tumultuous political climate, it’s crucial for citizens to remain vigilant. Democracy thrives when the rule of law is upheld, and everyone is held accountable for their actions. We must be unwavering in our commitment to the principles that have made our nation a beacon of freedom and democracy for centuries. In conclusion, the concerns about the state of the rule of law in America are not to be taken lightly. Our democracy is founded on principles that ensure fairness and justice for all. While challenges may arise, it is our duty as citizens to protect these values, holding our leaders and institutions accountable, and working together to maintain the strength and integrity of our great republic.
American Courage
America’s history, a testament to the indomitable spirit of courage. All of us collectively striving for a better life, we are a nation that has always dared to dream and to stand up for what’s right.
Age is a number & as you get older you get weaker & lose some of your youthful qualities.
However, it is all relative & the best example is the energy & cognitive ability of Donald Trump versus the total lack of energy & cognitive failure of Joe Biden !
American Pride & Values
Proud to uphold our timeless values of freedom, liberty, and limited government!
America the land of opportunity
Don’t let Biden destroy your freedom
The only kind of business Biden knows
Biden & Hunter are at it again
Nothing happens by accident.
Trump knows where the bodies are buried.
They don’t want someone in charge who knows the real Washington!