Kamala says we need “A new way forward” I agree, that is exactly what we need after almost 4 years of an old way backward by Kamala Harris.

Kamala says we need “A new way forward” I agree, that is exactly what we need after almost 4 years of an old way backward by Kamala Harris.

Hey you charlatan imposter lady, where have you been these dreadful past 4 years ?

You’ve ruined this country & the world !

A NEW way forward means that the way you were running the country with Biden these past 4 years have been a failure!

You’re exactly the type of career politician

that the founding fathers feared would ruin the republic !

Trump is a citizen that has, unlike you, built things & hired thousands of people.

He ran for President because he felt the country, which he loves dearly is being destroyed by corruption & corrupt government politicians, like you.

He was living a life that most people could not even dream of, yet he sacrificed it all to save his country.

You, on the other hand, have cheated your way through & need to offer bribes, in different forms to voters, for their votes !

You’ve never held a job in your life except government jobs which were ruinous & complete failures.

Having to prep for a debate for almost a week shows how lacking in leadership you are .

Even then, you needed the cheating moderators to team up with you to debate Trump.

If you were a leader you wouldn’t insist on a corrupt & manipulated, back room deal of a debate with fake moderators on a fake news channel !

Kamala you’re fake & phony & you have never been elected, but rather selected

both as Vice President & now as a Presidential candidate !

No one delegate voted for you now or before !

You’re a fraud propped up by the Democrat party & the weaponized government they have created & the fake propagandists in the main stream media!

I wish you were real & not the inept embarrassment you really are !

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